It is your light that lights the world. -Rumi

Connection to Yourself is Your Greatest Asset

Do you ever get that knowing feeling that you’ve always had all the answers? Ah, but you don’t often trust this quiet inner knowing and instead keep doing life the same old way.  

Our connection to our Self is our greatest asset toward experiencing a rich and fulfilling life. We are here to do life in our unique and gifted way.  And, listening to our Inner Wisdom IS “the path” 

Read on if you’re feeling ready to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, trust the guidance within, and take inspired action toward life lived on your gorgeous terms.  

Benefits of Connecton to self


Connection to self allows for an undeniable knowledge of what feels good and “right” by way of movement, nutrition, and sleep. Care of your body becomes more intuitive; ultimately optimizing your health in all ways.


Allows for observance of and grace for the ruminating thoughts of the mind, resulting in greater awareness and clarity. This awareness supports our ability to discern between limiting thought patterns and the quieter, more “knowing” voice of wisdom.


Connection to Self IS connection to Spirit, to All that Is. The more we connect in and cultivate a more consistent and open relationship with ourselves, the more in-flow we become. And the more we will feel a sense of unity or oneness with all that is.


Energy Alignment Sessions

Intuitive energy alignment sessions feel like meditation made enhanced and easy.

These sessions are a visceral invitation to calm the nervous system, cultivate connection to yourself, and call all of your life force energy home.

Coaching + Mentorship

 Seeking more consistent and tailored guidance toward a life lived more perfectly-you?

Explore DIY and supported programs to support you in honing greater and greater connection to your inner wisdom, resulting in life fulfillment like never before.

Integration Coaching

Exploring the world of plant medicine?  Support is key to safe and optimal integration of your experience. 

Click below for more information about intention-setting + integration support for micro-dosing or larger journey experiences. 



Curated Solo Retreats

Sometimes we need to be alone for a bit to connect in with our innate wisdom, rhythm, and flow.

A curated solo retreat is the perfect medicine for anyone looking to deepen connection with their inner ‘knowing’ self. 

 Choose a curated solo-retreat on its own or in conjunction with any other Wisdom Wellness offerings.



Hi. I’m Julie.  I‘ve spent much of my life empathically aware and tapped-in to others.  As I look back, this ability served me greatly in knowing who to trust and affording me much compassion for those around me.  Simply put, I always “got people,”  I understand them.  This same ability was also cause for diverging off my own path from time to time; Falling into patterns of having the volume of the other turned up louder than the volume of my own inner voice.

With experience born of simply living + practices and tools sought, tried, and true, I have found I can experience all the benefits of my empathic nature.  Connection to myself and my inner wisdom is now top priority.  Furthermore, my ability to connect deeply with others is as strong as ever. This cultivated “way” has brought a richness to life that’s hard to put into words except to say it feels perfectly-me.

Wellness Coach, Energy Work, Retreats, Wellness, Holistic, Health, Denver

Thank you for visiting Wisdom Wellness.

Click the play button to learn a bit about what wisdom means to me..
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Healing Support, Work Together, Coming Together, Diversity, Spiritual Guidance, Connection

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Feeling ready for living your life more perfectly-you?  Do reach out.

Giving time and energy toward cultivating a deeper connection with yourself and your innate wisdom IS the path.  The path toward more richness and fulfillment in all areas of life.

Read the lovely things people are saying about Julie.

Julie is phenomenal!  Her energy work is truly transformative and I am so grateful for the incredible ways she has helped me.  Julie’s presence is inspiring, grounded, and insightful.  Every visit I have had with Julie has been specially tailored to my current health needs and goals.  Her treatments have helped me on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. I am so happy I found Julie and cannot recommend her services highly enough!
Julie is a profoundly gifted healer who doesn’t make you feel like you’re “sitting with a healer.” Without much pomp or circumstance this down-to-earth, salt-of-the-earth wonder woman can quickly and acutely identify + show compassion for the things you’re struggling with while simultaneously using her God-given Jedi gifts to not only move the yucky stuff through and out of you, but also offer sage wisdom and insights about yourself you know to be true but never had the words to enunciate. There is no ego here. There is no shady business. Just a really talented energy worker who is helping us all one human at a time.
As a gifted Energy Healer and Coach, Julie brings together both the spiritual and practical elements for navigating life. In her graceful sessions, she offers wisdom, compassion, intuitive insight and gentle high vibration energy work for healing and holistic alignment (or alignment of body, mind and spirit). I have had the benefit of receiving Julie’s expertise and spiritual connections during her sessions and always feel validated, uplifted, and empowered to move forward with strength and balance on this journey of life.


Connection to Yourself

Connection to Yourself IS effectively Connection to All, Connection to Spirit, Connection to Your Innate Wisdom. Cultivating a connection to self is quite possibly the…

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Coaching Wellness Holistic Energy Work Portland Healing

Energy Healing Explained

Energy Healing: Unleashing the Power Within Energy healing is a transformative practice that has been utilized for centuries to improve well-being, self-awareness, and ultimately lead…

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